Hi! I'm Mikko.

a student that has no life working on python development

check out what im doing on discord!

My Skills

- Advanced Python Discord Bot Developer 80%
- HTML CSS Front End Developer 70%
- C++ Intermediate Developer 60%
- Advanced Python Developer 90%
- I can use MySQL and SQLite 60%
- I can manage Json Data 80%
- I can use many python modules such as requests, selenium, bs4, pandas, tkinter, discord.py and more 80%

here are my projects

Developer of Kitten AI Chatbot

Kitten AI is a smart discord chatbot.
Kitten is a fun chatbot that replies to all your messages with 90% accuracy, it is highly recommended for those that want to see what an AI’s full potential can do.

Add kitten here

Discord Wordle Integration

Discord Wordle Integration uses console to enter guesses and uses discord to display the guesses accordingly, just a cool feature. I'm planning on making it fully functional on discord.